The Rocksport experience is full of activities and opportunities for everyone. At our adventure camps, learning is hands-on. Participants are asked to "walk" rather than merely "talk" their behaviours. It simply means that kids are asked to take an active role in the flow of their adventure, learn new skills, cook meals, navigate, set up camp and meet as a group to plan and organize each day. And above all, have fun by learning in a non-formal setting, with songs, games, crafts and activities.

The approach to experiential adventure is what makes our training so exceptional. We have been working with groups and individuals for many years and have highly qualified staff with professional expertise. We also specialise in working with kids who have particular needs or face specific challenges in their lives.

The primary goal of our outdoor learning program is to create an environment where kids discover and create for their own outcomes, and emerge as responsible individuals. Rocksport believes that everyone, whatever the age, can improve their well being through adventure activity in outdoors.

Today, we feel proud of having touched the lives of over a lac of school kids from all age groups. 125 schools in our regular program, highlight the importance of adventure programs for their students and teachers. So how do we meet the challenge of change and adapt? Simple. By learning to view change as a great adventure and by meeting all standards of safety. We ensure that participants remain fearless. That's why we say: We Transform Lives.



Adventure Capsule
Rocksport Outdoors
36 Chhutti

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